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The Foundıng Generatıon Of Islamıc Scıences TĀbiĪn (successors)-II


Tābiīn in the Formation of the Sciences of Riwayah and Dirayah

Islamic culture and civilization, whose foundations were laid during the period of the Companions, continued to develop throughout the period of the Tābiīn, extending the geography of Islam from al-Māverānayn to al-Andalus. Beyond forming Islamic culture and civilization, the Tābiīn’s most significant influence was in establishing the Islamic sciences. The generation of the Tābiīn transmitted the scholarly heritage received from the Companions to subsequent generations, laying the foundations of Islamic sciences and determining the initial scientific methods.

As the founding generation of the Islamic sciences with a decisive influence in every field, it became necessary to organize comprehensive scholarly meetings to explore the Tābiīn generation from all aspects. For this purpose, Sakarya University Faculty of Theology and the Islamic Sciences Research Foundation (ISAV) planned a symposium series titled “The Founding Generation of Islamic Sciences, the Tābiīn”. The first of these scholarly meetings was held on May 6-7, 2023, with the subtitle “The Identity of the Tābiīn and the Establishment of Islamic Sciences”. It was deemed appropriate to discuss the influence of the Tābiīn generation on the sciences of riwayah and dirāyah and other subjects in the second meeting of the series, subtitled “Tābiīn in the Formation of the Sciences of Riwayah and Dirayah”.

To create a general framework, the organizing committee of the symposium proposes the following topics:

Tābiīn and Riwayah Sciences

- Tābiīn and Hadith

- Tābiīn and the Isnad System

- Tābiīn and Hadith Methodology

- Tābiīn and Hadith Criticism

- The Tābiīn and Hadith Education

- Tābiīn and Hadith Circles

- Tābiīn and Tedvin

- Tābiīn’s Understanding of Sunnah-

- Tābiīn and Tafsīr

- Tābiīn and Sirah

Tābiīn and Dirayah Sciences

- Tābiīn and Jurisprudence (Fiqh)

- Tābiīn and Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al Fiqh)

- Tābiīn and Islamic Creed / Kalam

Geography of the Tābiīn

- Tābiīn and Knowledge Centers 

- Rihlah and Geographical Interaction in the Tābiīn Generation

The Relationship of the Tābiīn with Other Generations

- Sahāba-Tābiīn Interaction

- Tābiīn and the Tabi’u al-Tābiīn Interaction

Tābiīn and Schooling

Tābiīn in the Formation of Methodology

Tābiīn and Language Sciences

Noble Figures in the Tābiīn

Tābiīn and Non-Muslims in Religious Debates

Tābiīn and Mawāli

Tābiīn and Critical View

Tābiīn and Orientalist Studies 

Tābiīn and Zuhd / Sufism



Prof. Dr Abdullah AYDINLI (Retired Faculty Member of SAU Faculty of Theology, Honorary President)

Prof. Dr Erdinç AHATLI (SAU Faculty of Theology, President)

Prof. Dr Ahmet BOSTANCI (SAU Faculty of Theology)

Prof. Dr Hayati YILMAZ (SAU Faculty of Theology)

Prof. Dr Bedreddin ÇETİNER (ISAV)

Assoc. Prof Şule Yüksel UYSAL (SAU Faculty of Theology)

Assistan Prof. Zübeyde ÖZBEN DOKAK (SAU Faculty of Theology)

Research Assistant Dr. Gülsüm KORKMAZER (SAU Faculty of Theology)

Research Assistant Adem KARAASLAN (SAU Faculty of Theology)

Research Assistant Nergis KARAASLAN (SAU Faculty of Theology)

Research Assistant Ali Can KANOĞLU (SAU Faculty of Theology)

Research Assistant Enes TARHAN (SAU Faculty of Theology)




Research Assistant Adem KARAASLAN

Research Assistant Ali Can KANOĞLU

Research Assistant Enes TARHAN

Dr. İsmail KURT

Seyit Ali TÜZ



Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: September 1, 2024

Notification Abstracts Feedback Date: October 4, 2024

Deadline for Submission of Full Texts: January 31, 2025

Accepted Full-Text Notification Date: March 14, 2025

SYMPOSIUM DATE: May 3-4, 2025



Papers must be original.

The symposium language is Turkish, Arabic and English.

Abstracts should be at least 300 words and should be sent to tabiinsempozyumu@gmail.com together with the participation form and a CV.

The main text of the papers should not exceed 8000 words.

Papers will be evaluated by referees.

The sessions will be conducted in a deliberative manner.

Paper presentations in sessions will be limited to 20 minutes.

International participants can present their papers online. Those who wish to come to Turkey will be responsible for their own travel expenses; however, their food and accommodation expenses will be covered. Travel and accommodation expenses for participants coming from within Turkey will also be covered.

The papers presented at the symposium will be published in the symposium book.